


Consent given is for both the visuals and audio contained within the video supplied for upload.
Without this consent given, 05:21 will not be able to make your videos public

If you are not the copyright owner, please make sure you have the permission of
the copyright owner consenting to your video being uploaded to the 05:21 Channel

By giving your consent, you confirm that you are the sole copyright owner and/or have the consent of
the copyright owners. In the event of any disputes raised due to allegations of copyright infringement,
05:21 reserves the right to remove the video from its channel without warning or explanation

Videos supplied and uploaded will not be monetized unless they are filmed, directed and/or financed by 05:21.
All copyrights and ownership remains that of the copyright and content owners

If happy with the terms outlined above, please CLICK HERE

    Please provide us with the full name and email address of the Consentee CLICK HERE

      Digital Signature (Compulsory)

      I hereby give my consent for the video/videos named above to be uploaded to the 05:21 Channel and can confirm I am the sole copyright owner and/or have permission from any third parties involved to give consent on their behalf

      I am happy for my digital signature to be considered as my/our consent given